Do Ants Eat Worms?

Do Ants Eat Worms?

Yes, ants do eat worms. Ants are omnivorous and as such, will feed on pretty much anything they can get their mandibles on. Worms are no exception. For the most part, ants simply eat dead worms they find lying around. However, there are some predatory ants such as the ever notorious red fire ants that…

What Are Moisture Ants?

What Are Moisture Ants?

Moisture ants refer to a number of ant species in the Lasius and Acanthomyops genera. These ants get their name from their attraction to moist environments and need for plenty of water to survive. They’re also notorious for being wood-infesting ants which specifically target damp or rotting wood for nesting.  In this article, we’ll look…

Do Ants Eat Bees?

Do Ants Eat Bees?

Yes, ants do eat bees. While the vast majority of ant species won’t harm bees, most will eat them when they’re dead. There are also certain ants such as carpenter ants, and fire ants, which not only eat dead bees but will also target and raid weakened bee hives for bees, their brood, honey, and…

Do Ants Eat Wood?

Do Ants Eat Wood?

Ants don’t eat wood. However, there are some ant species like carpenter ants, that may destroy wood as they chew through it to build their nests. So while they don’t necessarily consume wood for nutrition, they can still do considerable damage. In this article we’ll discuss why and how some ants destroy wood, which species…