Can Ants See?

Can Ants See?

Yes, ants can see. Most ants have a visual system that consists of a pair of compound eyes and a set of simple eyes called ocelli. This visual system allows them to detect motion, light, and color. That said, there are also some ants that are completely blind. These ants include subterranean which have severely…

Do Ants Eat Termites?

Do Ants Eat Termites?

Yes, ants eat termites. In fact, ants are among the primary predators of termites. They actively hunt them and rely on them for nutrition. In this article, we’ll look deeper into this predatory relationship as we discuss the following: We’ll also touch on whether or not ants can serve as indicators and control agents of…

Do Ants Eat Grass?

Do Ants Eat Grass?

No, ants don’t eat grass. While ants are known to eat a wide range of foods, grass is not a part of their diet. Instead, ants prefer to protein-rich foods like insects and sugary substances like honeydew. In this article we’ll learn more about the following: Why Don’t Ants Eat Grass? Ants have evolved to…

Are Ants Pollinators?

Are Ants Pollinators?

Yes, ants are pollinators. While certainly not the best, ants do their part as pollen vectors. In fact, they’re known to pollinate certain plant species like Conospernum undulatum.  In this article we’ll learn more about ants as pollinators as we discuss the following: What are Pollinators? Pollinators are animals that help transfer pollen from male…

Are Ants Bugs?

Are Ants Bugs?

No, ants are not bugs. Entomologists reserve the term bugs to describe members of the order Hemiptera. Ants are Hymenopterans and do not belong to that order. In this article, we’ll learn more about why ants are not bugs as we look into the following: We’ll also touch on the difference between bugs and insects….